Second hand leasing
Second hand leasing
Tenants have the right to apply for second hand leasing. The application concerns leasing up to 6 months. SUSbo’s management assistant will decide in the matter. If you wish to lease your apartment for a longer period of time the application is forwarded to the CEO. Acceptable reasons for second hand leasing include studies in a different location or an interruption of studies. The second hand tenant must also be a student at SLU. A form for applying for second hand leasing can be downloaded HERE. Turn in or send the form to PGEgY2xhc3MgPSAibF9tYWlsIGxfbmV3X3dpbmRvdyIgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmluZm9Ac3VzYm8uc2UiIHRhcmdldD1fYmxhbms+aW5mb0BzdXNiby5zZTwvYT4=.